


Several modified manufacturing methods of PVA film

发布时间 : 2020-11--10 点击量 : 0
PVA film is a vinyl polymer that can be used by bacteria as carbon source and energy. Under the action of bacteria and enzymes, it can degrade 75% in 46 days. It is a kind of biodegradable polymer material and can be produced on a large scale by non-petroleum routes. Inexpensive, its oil resistance, solvent resistance and gas barrier properties are outstanding, and it has unique advantages in food and pharmaceutical packaging.    (1) Copolymerization modification, introducing weaker units into the main chain or side groups through copolymerization or polymer reaction, weakening the intramolecular and intermolecular forces of PVA, and lowering the melting point    (2) Blending modification, by adding a large number of polymers that can form hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl groups in PVA, destroy the intermolecular forces of PVA, lower the melting point or increase the thermal decomposition temperature, such as sugar derivatives, collagen hydrolysates, etc.   (3) Post-reaction modification, by chemically modifying the hydroxyl groups on the PVA molecular chain, introducing structural units that can reduce the regularity of the PVA and increase the thermal stability, and improve the thermoplastic processing performance of the PVA. (4) Plasticization modification. This method is simple and efficient. Many domestic and foreign researches on plasticization use water, inorganic salts, glycerin, polyols and their oligomers, caprolactam, alcohol amines and other single or compound plasticization modifications. It reduces the melting point of PVA and improves processing fluidity.
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Advantages of using as pesticide packaging

发布时间 : 2020-11--10 点击量 : 0
Pesticides generally exist in high concentrations and are highly toxic, which are extremely harmful to the human body. Traditional pesticide packaging bags will produce pesticide residues and pollute the environment. In recent years, a water-soluble bag has appeared, and the water-soluble bag is used for pesticide packaging, which completely solves the problems of traditional pesticide packaging bags. Used as pesticide packaging has the following advantages:    1. Safe and non-toxic, environmentally friendly, easy to dissolve, strong heat sealability, high anti-counterfeiting, and improve quality.   2. It can greatly reduce the impact of pesticides, industrial chemicals and other toxic or irritating substances on the human body and the environment.   3. The tensile strength and tear strength are better than traditional plastic film.   4. It can effectively reduce the transportation cost caused by the weight of the packaged glass bottle itself, and solve the problem of easy leakage and difficult recycling caused by the lack of tight sealing of the bottle stopper and environmental pollution.    5. It has good oil resistance, fat resistance and organic solvent resistance.   6. ​​Excellent antistatic performance. When packing powder, it will not absorb powder and dust.   7. The metering is accurate to avoid environmental pollution or insufficient use of pesticides to achieve the effect of sterilization and insecticide.
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